Carolyn Sohn works in the assignments area of University Housing.
1. What brought you to University Housing?
I started working for Residence Dining waaaay back, when Housing was Residence Life. Then in the early 1990’s, the two departments joined forces and became Residence Life and Dining. At that time, I was offered a position working with the department’s buyer, which I accepted. When Chartwells took over the dining facilities, I continued to work for the buyer, and in 2001, I transferred to the assignments office.
2. Tell us a bit about yourself. Any family? Pets?
Pets are family too! At least at my house. My five cats are my kids. My human family lives in east Arkansas, we visit each other every 3 or 4 months.
3. What are your hobbies?
Is scooping cat litter a hobby? Nah, that’s more like a chore. My hobbies are reading, gardening, cooking, sewing and crafting. Lately though, with move in winding down, my main past-time has been falling asleep on the couch and missing the 10 o’clock news.
4. Could you tell us something random about yourself that we probably don’t know yet?
I just got the title to (former co-worker) Trish Winn’s car, which she sold to me just before she and Greg Lee moved to Alabama. Her car is a newer model of the Ford I already own, and the turn signals work!
5. What is your best memory – so far – from working in Housing?
Getting cards and letters from my co-workers when I was camped out in Little Rock and at my mom’s house after having surgery. Going back to #2, I have local “family” who work or have worked for this department.
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